Flag of Republic of the Congo

Republic of the Congo

Where is Republic of the Congo located?
Republic of the Congo locator
Map of Republic of the Congo
Map of Republic of the Congo
Current Currency:Central African CFA franc (XAF)
Official Languages:French, Kituba, Lingala
Ethnic Groups:Kongo, Teke, Mbochi, Sangha
Religions:Christianity, Traditional faiths, Irreligious
Borders:Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon
Country Calling Code:+242
Top Level Domain:.cg
ISO Alpha-2 Country Code:CG
ISO Alpha-3 Country Code:COG
Current weather in Republic of the Congo
Current weather in
Brazzaville, Republic Of The Congo Republic of the Congo

Local time is 14:13, 12 September 2024
Broken Clouds
31.2 °C Feels like 33.16 °C
Sunrise at 05:53
Sunset at 17:57
1007 hpa
Temperature is from 29.17 °C to 31.2 °C
Wind is 2.06 m/s
Clouds: 75 %
exchange rates
Exchange Rates on 12 September 2024 at 13:00
1 USD = 594,9326 XAF
1 XAF = 0,0017 USD
1 EUR = 655,9569 XAF
1 XAF = 0,0015 EUR