Flag of Belize


Where is Belize located?
Belize locator
Map of Belize
Map of Belize
Current Currency:Belize dollar (BZD)
Continent:North America
Official Language:English
Ethnic Groups:Mestizo, Creole, Maya, Garifuna, Indian, Mennonite, White, Chinese
Religions:Christianity, Irreligious
Borders:Guatemala, Mexico
Country Calling Code:+501
Top Level Domain:.bz
ISO Alpha-2 Country Code:BZ
ISO Alpha-3 Country Code:BLZ
Current weather in Belize
Current weather in
Belmopan, Belize Belize

Local time is 12:54, 19 September 2024
Clear Sky
34.21 °C Feels like 35.79 °C
Sunrise at 05:43
Sunset at 17:53
1008 hpa
Temperature is from 34.21 °C to 34.21 °C
Wind is 3.39 m/s
Clouds: 1 %
exchange rates
Exchange Rates on 19 September 2024 at 13:00
1 USD = 2,0186 BZD
1 BZD = 0,4954 USD
1 EUR = 2,2458 BZD
1 BZD = 0,4453 EUR